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puzzle game that may be of interest for children


Brief: gtans, a new game (puzzle) submit to debian-jr list

i would like to bring your attention on gtans. it is a chinese puzzle 
game none in Real World as "Tangram". basically, it is based on shapes
rather than on patterns (jigsaw, xjig) . the aim is to match a given 
shape. for that, the player has a set of 7 pieces, always the same:
-2 small , 1 medium and 2 big triangles 
- a square
-a parrallelogram (?)
with such a reduced set of pieces, hundreds of shapes can be formed, 
most of the figures available represents some animal, human or 
object and therefore can be recognized by the younger. there is of course often more than just one solution to a shape.

anyway. here is the control file:
Package: gtans
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: Tangram (puzzle) game using GTK+
 The Tangram is a Chinese puzzle where the player has to arrange a set of
 pieces to match a given shape. All the pieces must be used and should not
 be laid on top of one another. The pieces are five triangles, a square and
 a parallelogram. gtans contains more than 290 figures to play with. It uses
 the mouse to control pieces. gtans is highly customizable using the

ithink this game has two aspect that may interests kids :

1)  It's a game, the addictive kind, when you have time to waste, for 
    teens and younger and everyone

2)  It has some flavour of that playskool(tm) practical, physical thing: 
	"put the square box in the square hole ..."
	with more place for the kid imagination. in this way, the child may 
	be accompagnied by his parent, guiding him for discovering shapes
	and using the various hints modes... in this case for the youngest(?). 

Last word, the author is Phillipe Banwarth <bwt@sourceforge.net> (CCed)
the upstream URL is gtans.sourceforge.net, GPLed stuff
deb package in woody or at yip.free.fr/debian/ for a version with more figures and more translations.

Well perhaps this mail will finally bring me a bug report ... :) 

jean marc

ps: menu-jr is a damn good idea.  
ps2: hah. i've no kids, i do not work with kids, i'm no way related to any pedagogic(?) relationships. </disclaimer>. just liked the idea. hope there is a good number (or influent) of skilled people on the list. pedagogy is the key, as we all know.

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