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Re: Feedback on OpenJDK jpackage tool early access builds

Hi Emmanuel,

The jpackage JEP is still in the Candidate phase of development, meaning it hasn't been integrated into the mainline jdk repo yet. It is being developed in the "JDK-8200758-branch" branch of the jdk/sandbox repo:

hg clone https://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/sandbox
hg update JDK-8200758-branch

The sources are under "src/jdk.jpackage".

-- Kevin

On 9/2/2019 3:58 AM, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
Hi Dalibor,

With my Debian Java maintainer and jdeb contributor hats I'm very
interested in reviewing the jpackage tool (and I would probably
contribute if the project moves to Git as part of Skara).

Where is located the jpackage source code in the OpenJDK repository?

Emmanuel Bourg

Le 29/08/2019 à 09:49, Dalibor Topic a écrit :

We're working in the OpenJDK Community on a new tool for packaging [1]
self-contained Java applications as DEBs as part of a future JDK release
and the developers (on CC:) would love to get some feedback about the
Linux integration, specifically on Debian Linux.

So I thought this would be a good place to reach out and inquire if some
Debian Java packagers (or users) would be interested in trying out the
early access build [2] and letting us know how well it behaves and meets
your expectations.

If you are interested in providing feedback, feel free to respond here
on this list, to us directly or on the core-libs-dev (at)
openjdk.java.net mailing list, where the development of jpackage is
currently discussed.

The latest early access build's 'release notes' can be found at:

dalibor topic

[1] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/343
[2] http://jdk.java.net/jpackage/

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