sbt / scala and jdk 6 and 8
I have been looking into language and jdk version requirements for the
different version of sbt and scala, for compiling and running. I have
experienced problems if they did not compile or run on their target jdk
So far I have concluded that sbt 0.13.17 requires jdk-6 to compile
properly. Unfortunately. I cant make it compile properly without jdk-8,
to produce a correctly running binary. Running it with jdk-8 seems to be
no problem.
(We could of course look at upgrading to Sbt 1.2.8, which compiles and
runs on jdk-8, I assume, but havent checked that yet. Want to look into
the Sbt chicken and egg problem first.)
For Scala 2.11 and 2.12 I found that it requires jdk-8. To support
higher versions, there is still a bit of work to be done in Scala. In
the future, Scala will target their development and testing at LTS
versions of openJdk only, all other versions are left to the community
to test.
Is there a jdk6 version available in Debian? I think I have read
something about removing jdk-8 from debian, is that correct?
Also, if I understand the Debian/Java Policy correctly, all jvm-based
packages must depend on default-jre/jdk, which at the moment is
openJdk-11. Is it not possible to specify a lower version for some packages?
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