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Re: FOSDEM 19 Debian Java talk

Am 01.02.19 um 23:53 schrieb Emmanuel Bourg:
> Le 01/02/2019 à 22:41, Markus Koschany a écrit :
>> It is not very important but if you have some spare time in the next month
>> we could figure this out and create some sort of statistics page like
>> https://blends.debian.org/games/maintstats/
>> just with more information and for fun.
> The same charts are generated for the Java Team if that helps:
> http://blends.debian.net/liststats/authorstat_debian-java.png
> http://blends.debian.net/liststats/authorstat_pkg-java-maintainers.png
> http://blends.debian.net/liststats/bugs_pkg-java.png
> http://blends.debian.net/liststats/commitstat_pkg-java.png
> http://blends.debian.net/liststats/maintainer_per_package_pkg-java.png

Ah, interesting. I think the bugs closed graph is the most interesting
one. I always had the feeling the bugs rate increased at an exponential
rate for me. Still that would be more than 1000 bugs closed in the past
two years for all of us. I have to find a way to verify that at some
point in time but it doesn't feel too absurd right now.



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