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Re: RFS: stegosuite/0.7.2-1 [ITP]

Hi Markus,

thanks a lot for your effort.

On 03.06.2016 13:10, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Please upload future versions of stegosuite to mentors.debian.net

> Please change the Git VCS fields to the ones we use for the Java team

> F5 Steganography Software by Andreas Westfeld 1999, without any license
> information except a disclaimer. What is the license for those files?
It's also BSD. I updated the copyright file accordingly.

> Stegosuite fails to start on my system with the following error message:
I added libswt-cairo-gtk-4-jni as dependency. Now it should work.

> Please add keywords to stegosuite.desktop.

> What do you think about adding another subcategory to the desktop file
> like: Categories=Graphics;ImageProcessing; ?
ImageProcessing seems to belong to Science/Education.
I used Graphics;2DGraphics;RasterGraphics; instead.


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