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Re: New steganography application

Le 5/04/2016 23:06, Tobias a écrit :

> When running mh_make, it couldn't find the dependencies swt, logback and jcommander. But after ignoring that it created the debian directory.
> I guess, I need to write something in maven.rules now?

Hi Tobias,

If you install liblogback-java and libjcommander-java this will help
mh_make figuring out the dependencies (I'm not sure about the right
package for SWT though). Otherwise you have to declare them manually in
the Build-Depends field of debian/control. The debian/maven.rules file
is used to relocate Maven artifact and match the ones in Debian (for
example junit 4.11 becomes junit 4.x, the rules can change the version
but also the groupId and the artifactId). If the package of the
dependency has the same groupId/artifactId and a generic 'debian'
version there is no need to add a rule in this file.

Emmanuel Bourg

PS: Feel free to join the #debian-java IRC channel on OFTC for a live
mentoring session.

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