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Re: plans for eclipse luna in debian

Am 10.11.2015 um 23:27 schrieb Mikołaj Izdebski:
> Let me start by mentioning a few problems Fedora had with Eclipse
> packaging and pointing to solutions for them.  If anyone is interested
> in hearing more details, I'll be glad to elaborate on them.

First of all hello and welcome to the list and thank you for your
contributions and patches. I think I speak for everyone if I say that
helps a lot.

> 4. XMvn.  I would like to suggest trying using XMvn project in Debian.
> It has been designed specifically to automate packaging Java software
> for GNU/Linux distributions.  XMvn strives to be distribution-agnostic
> (all Fedora- and RPM-specific code are in separate project --
> javapackages [7]).  XMvn has full support for Apache Maven, Gradle,
> Eclipse Tycho and Apache Ivy, plus partial support for Aether Ant Tasks
> and SBT (through Ivy).  If there is any interest in seeing XMvn used
> in Debian then I'm willing to package it, maintain it and implement
> any upstream code necessary to support Debian use cases.
> I hope you will find this bit of information helpful.

Indeed, I do. My hope was to package Eclipse 4.x with
maven-debian-helper but if we could reuse your existing patches and
techniques it would probably reduce the maintenance burden even more. So
if XMvn was portable to Debian, it would definitely be helpful even if
it was only for Eclipse.

I will try to get familiar with Tycho within the next days and weeks and
send some feedback to the list.



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