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Re: Review of gradle 2.5-2

Am 16.08.2015 um 16:02 schrieb Miguel Landaeta:
>> I suggest we aim for fixing those packages first because that would
>> enable us to work on some other unresolved issues. After that I start
>> working on the final step of the bnd 1.50 to 2.x transition.
> I agree.
> Cheers,

Hi all,

I have just uploaded groovy2 2.4.3-2 and gradle 2.5-3 to unstable. I
would like to take the opportunity to thank our Google Summer of Code
students Kai-Chung Yan and Komal Sukhani for their magnificent work on
both non-trivial packages which were a prerequisite for packaging
Android software for Debian.

I would also like to thank Miguel for his commitment to fix those last
outstanding bugs and everyone else who helped getting gradle and groovy
into shape again. Now there is only one fix required for making openjfx
compatible with gradle 2.5 but I'm very confident that we will manage
that one too.



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