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jffi 1.2.7 nearly ready to go, but jar at new location

Hi everyone.  I've been doing some build tests against reverse
dependencies for jffi.  There's a slight problem with rebuilding jenkins
though, as it's expecting the jar to live at a different location:

  Path to dependency:
  	1) org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-core:jar:1.565.3
  	2) org.jruby.extras:jffi:jar:debian

jffi now appears at com.github.jnr so it can't be found.

Is there any packaging trick to make jffi appear at both locations -
org.jruby.extras and com.github.jnr?  I thought this was what
debian/maven.publishedRules was for, but it either doesn't do that or I
can't figure out the syntax.


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