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Re: how to package Maven-based projects with modules and inter-module dependencies

> > com.github.spullara.mustache.java:compiler is a bundle. Inform mh_make
> > that dependencies of type jar which may match this library should be
> > transformed into bundles automatically?
> I don't really understand the question. Experimentation shows that
> answering "yes" adds a line 
> > com.github.spullara.mustache.java compiler s/jar/bundle/ s/.*/debian/ * *
> to debian/maven.publishedRules, but I don't really understand what that
> means either. In any case, replacing the "bundle" with "jar" helped.

By changing the packaging from bundle to jar, you change the mojos that
get executed by default on a particular phase. In this case, you'd only
be loosing some maven-bundle-plugin phases which are important if you
plan to use the jar in an OGSi environment. This is also why you get
asked the question above. There's some extra sugar needed to specify
dependencies in OSGi. That line above may work in general, but may not
be how you want to expose your API. There's just a few more things you
have to think about when working with OGSi :).

If you don't know what OSGi is or if you'll need it, changing from
bundle to jar will be fine.


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