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Re: RFS: ant 1.9.1-2 (updated) - [UPLOADED]

On 03/07/13 06:26, tony mancill wrote:
On 07/02/2013 04:23 AM, James Page wrote:
>Hi Team
>I am looking for a sponsor for an update to the package "ant".
>* Package name    : ant
>   Version         : 1.9.1-2
>This fixes a problem with the ant-junit maven artefact dependencies which is
>currently causing build failures in jenkins:
>   Path to dependency:
>     1) org.kohsuke.stapler:maven-stapler-plugin:maven-plugin:1.16
>     2) org.apache.ant:ant-junit:jar:debian
>     3) junit:junit:jar:debian
>junit:junit:jar:debian -> junit:junit:jar:4.x
>I have uploaded to svn.debian.org:
>  -http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-java/trunk/ant/
>  - svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk/ant
>It would be great if someone could review, upload and tag this package for me.
Hi James,

Thanks for the update.  The change looks good.  I built a few other
packages that build-dep on both junit4 and ant without any issues.  (Of
course, it would be nice to have the capability to build all of the
r-build-deps, but I'm not there yet.)

Thanks Tony!

James Page
Ubuntu Core Developer
Debian Maintainer

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