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Re: New work on java-package

On 3/19/12 12:51 PM, Andrew Haley wrote:
On 03/19/2012 02:04 PM, Barry Hawkins wrote:
For example, JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, one of the main IDEs for Java
development, still doesn't endorse the use of OpenJDK. If you download
IDEA and launch it via a terminal, you will see the following warning:

~$ ./idea-IC-111.277/bin/idea.sh
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11pre) (6b24~pre2-1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
WARNING: You are launching IDE using OpenJDK Java runtime.


NOTE:    If you have both Oracle (Sun) JDK and OpenJDK installed
           please validate either IDEA_JDK, JDK_HOME, or JAVA_HOME
environment variable points to valid Oracle (Sun) JDK installation.
           See http://ow.ly/6TuKQ for more info on switching default JDK

But that's their fault, not OpenJDK's; if there's actually anything
wrong with OpenJDK that stops IDEA working, that would be another
matter.  I'd note that OpenJDK is the official Java SE 7 Reference
Implementation, so if IntelliJ IDEA doesn't even work with the RI,
it really is JetBrains' fault!


The focus of my message was to point out the need for users of Debian and its derivatives to be able to install an official JRE or JDK from Oracle. If I gave the impression of criticizing OpenJDK, my apologies; that was not the intent.

Like so many others, I'll be happy when OpenJDK is the de facto choice for all things based on the JVM. Currently, high performance and graphical applications still see significant improvement when using the Oracle JRE/JDK.

People are now using some less desirable approaches like the one mentioned in a blog post from earlier in the year[0] which is not as rigorous or disciplined as the approach we were taking when using java-package years ago prior to the advent of the DLJ. I believe it would be a service to our user community to provide the java-package utility once more until the time when OpenJDK fully displaces Oracle's non-free offering for all cases.

[0] - http://blog.flexion.org/2012/01/16/install-sun-java-6-jre-jdk-from-deb-packages/

Barry Hawkins
All Things Computed
email: barry@alltc.com
twitter: barryhawkins
blog: http://barryhawkins.com/blog
site: http://alltc.com

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