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Re: Need help with packaging: what helper should be used (MavenBuilder / JavaHelper)?

Hello Andreas,

javahelper is a generic collection of scripts for building Java sources,
packaging them into a jar and building a Debian package.

maven-debian-helper is designed for upstream projects which use Maven as
their build tool. The upstream project should contain at leat one
pom.xml file, and the upstream sources should compile using the command
'mvn install'.

So if your project doesn't build with Maven, the choice is easy: use

I have updated the links on the wiki, they seem to have disapeared. The
correct link for Maven-debian-helper is:


Can you post the url or the sources for the Options project, I cannot
help you further without this information.


On 16/01/2012 13:37, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> as a prerequisite for some other packages I need to package options.
> I've got this lib via mail from the author (no website so far but I
> asked for it.)  I just uploaded it here:
>    http://people.debian.org/~tille/packages/options/
> Regarding packaging I tried two approaches:
>   1. MavenBuilder[1]
>      The Wiki page looks a bit outdated (last change 2010-04-10)
>      and "TODO: we should support dh in the future" refering to
>      a 2.5 year old DebConf talk.
>      After copying the suggested rules file including
>       JAVA_HOME := /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
>      The build ended up very quickly saying:
>       You must specify a valid JAVA_HOME or JAVACMD!
>      Hmmm ...  Any hint what might be wrong here?
>      I uploaded the debian/ dir I used to the URL above
>      in debian_using_mavenbuilder/ as well as the
>      according build log *.build_using_mavenbuilder.
>   2. JavaHelper[2]
>      This went a bit further in the build - however it seems
>      I did not managed to patch the build.xml properly because
>      jdom1.jar is obviosely not found.  To make this work I
>      probably need a hint how to build the lib correctly using
>      Debian packaged jdom1.jar.  I uploaded the debian/ dir
>      as debian_using_javahelper/ and the build log as
>      *.build_using_javahelper
> I'd like to choose the build method which I get working first.
> Any help is welcome.
> Kind regards
>        Andreas.
> [1] http://wiki.debian.org/Java/MavenBuilder
> [2] http://wiki.debian.org/Java/Packaging

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