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Re: Need help with packaging: what helper should be used (MavenBuilder / JavaHelper)?

Hi Ludovic,

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 10:50:51PM +0100, Ludovic Claude wrote:
> Hello Andreas,
> javahelper is a generic collection of scripts for building Java sources,
> packaging them into a jar and building a Debian package.
> maven-debian-helper is designed for upstream projects which use Maven as
> their build tool. The upstream project should contain at leat one
> pom.xml file, and the upstream sources should compile using the command
> 'mvn install'.
> So if your project doesn't build with Maven, the choice is easy: use
> javahelper.

Thanks.  I've git help via private mail.
> I have updated the links on the wiki, they seem to have disapeared. The
> correct link for Maven-debian-helper is:
> http://wiki.debian.org/Java/MavenDebianHelper
> Can you post the url or the sources for the Options project, I cannot
> help you further without this information.
> On 16/01/2012 13:37, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > 
> > as a prerequisite for some other packages I need to package options.
> > I've got this lib via mail from the author (no website so far but I
> > asked for it.)  I just uploaded it here:
> > 
> >    http://people.debian.org/~tille/packages/options/

So all I have is available here.  But as I said the packaging problem is
solved and I'll commit the stuff to Debian Med Git repository using
pristine-tar to enable creating the source tarball.  I did not got any
answer from the author about a downloadable version.  However the
license is "Apache License Version 2.0" and this we can package it even
without a downloadable source tarball.

Thanks for your hints anyway



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