Copyright on Debian scripts in non-free Sun JRE?
At work, we've just decided all our new hosting is Ubuntu 10.04 using
Sun Java. This was fine until Oracle declded to rescind the
distributor licenses. We do plan to move to OpenJDK, but only after
the utmost testing.
In the meantime, I'm hand-rolling a deb based on the Oracle download.
This project has attracted a few interested emails, so I'd like to
make my work publicly available - even if I can't distribute a deb,
I'd certainly like to make my recipe available for people in the same
boat as me.[*]
What is the copyright status of the assorted Debian packaging scripts
in the sun-java6-bin and sun-java6-jdk packages?
sun-java6-bin contains no copyright notice. sun-java6-jdk contains one
saying the "Debian packaging" is reusable under an X11-like licence.
Is the Debian material in sun-java6-bin licensed similarly?
I'd like to be able to distribute these files at least. (It's possible
to do a recipe that says "and download these debs", but that's an
annoyance best avoided if possible.)
The copyright notice in sun-java6-jdk hasn't changed since 2008. If I
get Sun files from 6u30 and put them into the corresponding places in
these 6u26 debs, stuff *should* work (Sun Java 6 being in maintenance
mode and changes being minimal). Is there any reason this wouldn't be
the case?
My first hackish attempt at a 6u30 deb is detailed at - it's missing a lot,
but tomcat starts and runs, as does ActiveMQ and at least one of our
internal bespoke applications :-)
- d.
[*] yes, I know it's our own silly fault for using proprietary
software. I'm working on this one ...
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