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Re: Java webapps and configuration files

On 08/21/2010 07:23 AM, Tom Marble wrote:
> On 08/21/2010 12:19 AM, Torsten Werner wrote:
>> BTW I do not like your 3rd option at all. It sounds unsupportable in
>> the long run and the local admin has to learn a new tool which is only
>> used in Debian and only for Tomcat based apps. We should either use
>> some existing solution or something generic one or something that is
>> fully automatic and easy to support.
> I believe we ought to consider this as just one case of a likely
> larger set of use cases of deploying web applications into web
> containers. Clearly there more containers than just Tomcat
> (and one of reasons few of them are in the archive relate to the
> problems Russ has pointed out). It would be nice if we had
> a tool that takes a configuration input and generates the
> artifacts for Tomcat, Glassfish, or other containers.
> Having Debian unique tools which improve deployment hygiene,
> are automated and solve a class of Policy problems seems to
> be an advantage, not a disadvantage.  For example look at how
> the alternatives system solves a problem (and was later emulated
> by others). Java administration won't be the same on all
> platforms because system administration isn't the same
> on all platforms. Windows Java users don't share our values
> and simply don't care about hygiene.
> It sounds to me like a fully automatic, easy to support,
> Debian specific tool -- a Java web application configuration
> processor -- that simplifies configuration and deployment for many
> potential containers would be a nice solution.

I'm not disagreeing per se, but would like to bring up a few points.
Having best-in-class tools that are unique to Debian (or originate in
Debian and gain wider acceptance) is definitely a plus.  In this
specific case I find myself thinking about someone operating  servlet
containers in a production environment, where much of their time must be
spent focusing on business needs and they might not have a lot of time
to come up to speed on newer toolsets.  (Or, even if they do, they are
(a), risk-adverse because it's a production environment, or (b)
prevented from adopting new tools/procedures by colleagues who have
different ideas.)  All that is to say, I support something that is easy
and intuitive for the sysadmin who is the user of this system.  So the
idea that come to mind is as follows.

JARs, WARs, and EARs are familiar, (mostly) well-understood, and trusted
by those who administer these sorts of systems, and most (all?)
containers are designed to use them.  Many containers also have
developed sophisticated tools to manage and distribute them.  (And often
these are the tools familiar to the users.)  Therefore, if we had a
system that allowed the end-user to update the templated portions of the
system and then built a JAR/WAR/EAR for them to consume, that would be
idea.  So webapp packages would be akin to the suite of packages that
depend on module-assistant (IMO a great example of how to solve a sticky
problem), where the user would retrieve the webapp-(appname)-source
package, make changes as desired, and then assemble it.  The default
source package should work "out of the box" to produce a completely
uncustomized version of the webapp.  Here is where I'm not so certain
about the best path forward, but providing a generic way to link local
customizations to a VCS or something like that would be a big win.  The
issue is that is that we don't know a priori what sort of customizations
each webapp will need.

But in summary, I'm suggesting we consider a system that supports
customization for those who want to invest the time, but retains the
artifacts familiar to folks who work daily in the J2EE/servlet container


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