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Re: Java webapps and configuration files

On Thu Aug 19 21:10, Russ Allbery wrote:
> 3. Rather than using a context file to point to a complete file system
>    version of the deployed webapp, ship the code portions in /usr/share,
>    the configuration files (like web.xml and the JSPs) in /etc, and
>    include in the package a script that assembles a WAR file from all
>    those component parts, incorporating the latest versions of the
>    configuration files in /etc, and then deploys that WAR file in
>    /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps.  Each time the user changes anything, they'll
>    need to re-run that script to redeploy the application.

If the webapp can have everything read from a .war, this seems like a
reasonably sensible option, given that people are already used to both building
things into wars and to redeploying applications into containers (in the java
webapp / enterprise world, rather than the debian world). Providing a tool to
make this simple is also good.

I'm not sure that you need to ship them as conffiles though - lots of package
have this sort of thing in /usr/share/doc/$package/examples (the jsp) - so you
would build a default war from those (on install?) and then users can build
their own from the examples if they wanted.

I'm aware that several packages have configuration files which are technically
written in a scripting language, but they tend to be of the $foo = "bar"; sort
of code - which (without looking) I get the impression this isn't?


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