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Re: RFS: libnanoxml2-java

>> - Is it safe to do as I have done in debian/origCleaner.sh (using one
>> more parameter than uscan passes to tell set the tempdir from
>> get-orgi-source) or do I risk that uscan adds parameters without
>> notice? (If adding is the only risk I could pass the tempdir by the
>> second parameter instead and make it ignore it if it is the one uscan
>> sends)
> Hmm, not sure. I think it's fine, given you'll update it if it breaks
> uscan. It's not used in the real build process, so there's no real
> problem with it breaking.
OK. Then I'll wait.

>> - the pdf's in the orig.tar.gz violates debian policy (they could be
>> generated), or? (I am sorry. I had forgotten about them)
> You could strip them out with the jar. Since you are repacking the
> tarball anyway, that's worth doing.
Agreed. The generated files (pdf, html and gif) are gone in this upload.

> If you are installing them (which seems a good idea?) then you certainly
> need to build them from source, but the latex files seem to be there.
The reason I did not install them is that the original source for an
image in the documentation for NanoXML-Java is a graffle file. I was
not able to find any free tool to build it. I could of course include
only the documentation for NanoXML-Lite or modify the documentation
for NanoXML-Java to not include the image if that is wanted.


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