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Re: Sponsoring Packages

Matthew Johnson wrote:

>>> Package: libunix-java
>> Please choose a less ambiguous name.
> Ambiguous in that it's ambiguous as to what it does (in which case
> libunixsocket-java?)

Yes, sounds better.

> Well, to use it you need either a Java runtime or a Java compiler, and
> not all compilers are also runtimes so...

Please see the Java packaging policy for the recommended format of these
fields, and have a look at other libraries in Debian:

~$ apt-cache show libxerces2-java | grep ^Depends
Depends: classpath-common | java1-runtime | java2-runtime, libjaxp1.3-java

> I was told on here that you had to use a specific Java environment for
> building to get predictable results?

Yes, but depending on java-gcj-compat-dev is enough, and then you cannot
assume a particular version of that. Check a few other packages for a



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