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Re: [dsi-list] Re: Looking for the right Java solution

On Sat, 2005-02-26 at 19:37 +0100, Michael Koch wrote:

> Where have you found this rumor ?
From rom the Debian Java FAQ:

As written overe there: "free-java-sdk A free Java SDK (compiled from
DSFG compliant Java tools)".

Furthermore an apt-cache show free-java-sdk provides as description:

  "Complete Java SDK environment consisting of free Java tools
  The goal of this package is to be a replacement of commercial Java
  Source Development Kits (JDK).  This is accomplished by integrating
  the best free java tools into one development environment".

> You could download some proprietary JDK and convert it to deb with
> make-jpkg from java-package if you really want to depend on non-free
> stuff. Anbd the Java trap (1) is there again.
This may be a solution, thanks.

> Michael
> 1) http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/java-trap.html


P.S.: I'm off-list, Cc: me, thanks.

   .''`.   Ivo Marino <eim@winetea.mine.nu>
  : :' :   irc.FreeNode.net channel #winetea
  `. ``    Homepage http://winetea.mine.nu/~eim/
    `-     UIN 32463141 + JID eim@jabber.linux.it

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