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IMPORTANT [RFS] liblog4j1.2-java build from sources


I've been working on building liblog4j1.2-java from sources and it
works... with non-free jdk. But, log4j is in main and it *must* stay in
main or we'll have to move a lot of java packages back to contrib!

So I built log4j with sablevm, ant1.6 and jikes... but it fails. I don't
know why but I've been unable to 'exclude' classes to build. So at the
moment, log4j is built using jikes-classpath (oups, I forgot 'classpath'
dependency) and fastjar... and all classes are not built!

This is the line to find all the sources to be built:
  files = $(shell find src/java -name \*.java \
            | grep -v chainsaw | grep -v lf5 \
            | grep -v jms | grep -v jmx | grep -v JMS)

And this is the lines two install the package:
  deb http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/debian ./
  deb-src http://people.debian.org/~avdyk/debian ./

If you have the time to test the package, and send feedbacks, it is
*very* important so maybe Benoit or I could upload it and close
#221236. This bug render liblog4j1.2-java not a valid candidate for
sarge, that means some java packages won't be valid candidates for
sarge, but also, nearly *all* the jakarta package (they use
commons-logging which depends on log4j!) will not be able to build!

So here are the possible way (if there are more, thanks to comment):

. log4j stays in free but without some packages (chainsaw, lf5, jmx and

. log4j goes back to contrib and will be built with non-free JVM's

. we make two packages available.

Thanks for your time and comments,

Best regards,

 : :' :rnaud
 `. `'  

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