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Re: [Fwd: Re: [architecture] Re: JPackages and ObjectWeb]

David Walluck wrote:
Nicolas Mailhot wrote:

I'm done with this. The result is available at:

It says final version is forthcoming. I was afraid to make edits just yet. And I would like to see each point numbered and lettered so that they can be easily refered to. Like we could say, ``this is a violation of IIa'', for example.

Anyway, it's interesting to see how many of these principles that maven violates. The funny thing is that I assume the developers of maven think that they are alleviating some of these problems when, IMO, it is just more of the same thing.

I'm worried that the consensus is that more and more projects will be moving from ant to maven. I admit to not being very experienced with maven, so someone else who is more familiar should offer some more comments. But, from my point of view:

there is actually a thread on this on the maven-user mailing list. some people are apparently quite excited about the idea of using maven to distribute applications. Here is my take at why it may not be such a great idea:


I guess I'm preaching to the choir here, so I hope I can capture the attention of maven users and developers for a second to look at the issues from more than one angle and help us find a better way.I'm sure there must be one.

It would be great if maven was part of the solution, and wouldn't turn into a road block. It has great potential in both directions, as far as I can see it.

dalibor topic

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