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Re: Let Jikes (finally) go into testing on its own...

W liście z nie, 18-01-2004, godz. 19:41, Adam Majer pisze: 
> PS. Furthermore, since these wrappers are NOT and should not be dependent
> on version of the JVM (or kaffe), they should be maintained such that
> they work with ALL the versions of the JVM. This should be simple enough :)

Speaking of maintenace. Currently jikes is at version 1.18-6. This means
that currently these wrappers are also at version 1.18-6. Once they're
moved to respective JVMs - they'll have the same versions as each JVM.

gij       - 4:3.3.2-2   - wrapper is in testing, but will be upgraded
kaffe     - 1:1.1.3-0.2 - wrapper is in testing, but will be upgraded
classpath - 0.06-2      - no wrapper in testing, unstable won't be upg.
sablevm   - 1.0.9+svnXX - no wrapper in testing, unstable won't be upg.

So it looks like we're quite lucky, as only unstable users may be
required to reinstall their wrappers for classpath and sablevm by hand.
And this is only needed if the content of a wrapper acutally changed
in some important way, which isn't often thing, I belive. [*]


					Grzegorz B. Prokopski

[*] For SableVM there is a _file_ which contains bootclasspath, so
if at any point we needed to change the content of it (ex. because
of switching to .zip file from currently uncompressed classpath),
there would be no need to touch the wrapper.

Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux      http://www.debian.org
SableVM - LGPLed JVM  http://www.sablevm.org

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