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Re: Status and futur of ArgoUML package(s)

W liście z nie, 18-01-2004, godz. 11:27, Arnaud Vandyck pisze: 
> "Grzegorz B. Prokopski" <gadek@debian.org> writes:
> They do provide it. I think it's not legal. But I already told them but
> retract because I was not sure enough.

You an always ask at debian-legal first. I haven't read ALL the
license, but it looks like standard (non-free) license from Sun.

For example there's this "indemnification clause", which says that if
you distribute this code, then you will indemnify, that is, pay all
legal cost in case of somebody sued sun because of using the code
that you distributed. There's probably also non-competitive clause,
but I haven't looked...

In short: you *can* distribute it, but it sucks and may be dangerous.

> I think a package who tell the user to fetch MDR would be OK. Do you
> have an example package using debconf to know where the file is and then
> (I suppose in postinst) unzip and put the jar file in /usr/share/java?
There's, I belive, "realplayer" installer package. In short what you do
is you ask in debconf whether do skip fetching, look for the package
on the disk somewhere (best if you allowed user to give path to fetched
file) or to fetch file from the internet. (probably the options should
be in reverse order, that is, to fetch from the internet by default).
Then all you do is you put the file on the disk.

Now - AFAIK there's a nice, newish feature of dpkg, that nobody uses
yet, that it currently allows you to register a file as belonging to
a package. I haven't had chance to use it yet though.

Because once your installer gets to stable - it'll remain there for
long time, so you should rather choose some place where you can
always fetch this .jar from. Sun is probably tempted to remove old
versions of libs, so you'd probably do best if you talk to ArgoUML
guys to put this .jar somewhere in a place, where they'll be available
for next 2-3 years.

> If it's easy to do it, I'll make it also for 'jimi' (needed by FOP). But
> I don't like the idea of making such packages.
Neither do I. But the users are still our priority.


					Grzegorz B. Prokopski

Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux      http://www.debian.org
SableVM - LGPLed JVM  http://www.sablevm.org

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