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Re: Eclipse2.1RC1 package


* Takashi Okamoto <toraneko@kun.ne.jp> wrote:
>> * Please provide a directory in /usr/local, where one can install
>> plugins, without the need to put it into /usr/lib/eclipse.
> I think use mpkg-j2sdk to build deb and install it is better.

I'm using the blackdown java builds, instaleld via apt-get. I mean a
directory, where eclipse plugins can be instaleld, which are not
'debanised'. There are a really lot plugins out there and I don't
know if there will ever be debs for them (hm, should be pretty easy
to build a mpkg-eclipse-plugin for the standard zips, which eclipse
generates via the ant script). 

> Thanks, I don't know it. I will add path at /usr/local, then local
> plugin should be installed /usr/local/eclipse/plugins.

That's what I meant :)

>> (echo "path=$HOME/.eclipse" > .../links/.user).
> I think it's difficult because when sevral users do it, then links
> directory have configurations for each users. So one configuration
> effect others.

When I wrote that i thought about a line in the eclipse script,
which would put the above line into that file. The only drawback
would be, that this isn't really threadsave: if eclipse is started
at the same time, the they could the 'wrong' link (the first one
pritns the line into the .link, the second overwrites and then teh
first ones eclipse-bin reads the .link).

Don'T know if that can be solved with putting .$USER files into the
dir and changing them to readonly by $USER.

> It's good idea. I'll add $HOME/.eclipserc file for it.

Just a thought: if there ever will be a linked in plugin dir for
every user, it would be good if that directory is named .eclipse (I
don't want to see that in my normal 'ls'. Than it would be good if
the eclipserc would be in that directory. I would tehrefor propose a
different name for workspace directory (I have named it
'workspace'). IMO it fits better, as I put my java (or whatever) 
project there and not which is not really eclipse specific.

Anyway, as long as I have a eclipsrc I can change the name without
hacking the eclipse start script and as long as there isn't a user
plugin dir it doesn't matter... :)


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