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Re: [PROPOSAL] New Virtual Packages and way to handle Classpath

Hallo Dalibor,

* Dalibor Topic wrote:
>> it is names) and it should be fine. If thats the search path for
>> classes... Without, we probably can't use kjc, as a javac replacement
>> or ant compiler, as the result would be unpredictable, especially when
>> a programm wants to have a newer version of one of teh included APIs
>I think programs that want to have a news version of the included APIs should
>wait for an updated java API, come with their own VM & class library or use
>something sane like their own ClassLoader to link to the classes they want. No
>userland program should touch bootclasspath.

If everybody agrees with this, I'll be happy. Ho does ant solve this
problem? Eclispe for example honors a set bootclasspath in its build.xml.

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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