Re: servlets/JSP's development environment - disregard top post
On Sun, 2003-06-22 at 14:49, cmustard wrote:
> I want to set up a java development environment to
> develop servlets/JSP's. I'm running debian woody 3.0 'stable'
> I have read:
> and - many pages and links here, as well as
> many other sources. (maybe too many and 'old' ones)
> I am still not totally clear on the best way in which to proceed,
> in debian, and would just love some clarity from an 'enlightened one'.
> ( or even someone with an environment set up ).
> I prefer to do things the debian way if possible, i.e 'apt-get'
> everything.
> I am under the understanding (or lack-of ?) that in order to get started i
> need a java developers kit (JDK1.*), J2SE, J2EE and tomcat(?).
> I have seen that blackdown, IBM and Sun all have J2SE.
> but that i shouldn't use the sun version(s) because they are not free
> ( the debian way
> - you should not agree to use the sun version because
> of the SCSL (?) - )
> I have not seen a J2EE anywhere but with sun.
First, you will need Java. Add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb unstable main non-free
Then do "apt-get update" followed by "apt-get install j2sdk1.3" or
"apt-get install j2sdk1.4"
You can install tomcat from the packages, but I don't use it so I won't
say too much.
There are several EJB containers out there, but you will need to
download them from the appropriate websites. Try Resin or JBoss. I like
Resin, but JBoss may be more popular. Neither of them are 100% free.
The Eclipse IDE can be installed by "apt-get install eclipse" :)
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