servlets/JSP's development environment - disregard top post
I want to set up a java development environment to
develop servlets/JSP's. I'm running debian woody 3.0 'stable'
I have read:
and - many pages and links here, as well as
many other sources. (maybe too many and 'old' ones)
I am still not totally clear on the best way in which to proceed,
in debian, and would just love some clarity from an 'enlightened one'.
( or even someone with an environment set up ).
I prefer to do things the debian way if possible, i.e 'apt-get'
I am under the understanding (or lack-of ?) that in order to get started i
need a java developers kit (JDK1.*), J2SE, J2EE and tomcat(?).
I have seen that blackdown, IBM and Sun all have J2SE.
but that i shouldn't use the sun version(s) because they are not free
( the debian way
- you should not agree to use the sun version because
of the SCSL (?) - )
I have not seen a J2EE anywhere but with sun.
A list of relevant packages turns up the following:
$ apt-cache search java | grep -iE '*java*'
# produces a list similiar to the following:
# edited for clarity
gcj - The GNU Java compiler.
gcj-3.0 - The GNU compiler for Java(TM).
gij - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter.
gij-3.0 - The GNU Java bytecode interpreter.
java-common - Base of all Java packages
java-virtual-machine-dummy - Dummy Java virtual machine
java2html - Highlight Java and C++ sources for WWW presentation
jikes - Fast Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications
jikes-1.14 - Fast Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications
jikes-gij - Fast Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications
jikes-kaffe - Fast Java compiler adhering to language and VM specifications
kaffe - A JVM to run Java bytecode
kissme - A free Java Virtual Machine
kissme-classpath - Free java class libraries (specific to kissme JVM)
lib-gnu.regexp-java - Regular Expressions for Java
libgcj2 - Java runtime library for use with gcj
libgcj2-dev - Java development headers and static library for use with gcj
liboro-java - Regular expression library for Java
libregexp-java - regular expression library for Java
motor - C/C++/Java Integrated Development Environment
vide - IDE for C++ and Java based on the V GUI
jad - The fast Java Decompiler
jdk1.1 - JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit) - Runtime only
jdk1.1-dev - JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit)
ant - Java based build tool like make
ant-doc - Java based build tool like make - Manual and API documentation
bsh - A Java scripting environment.
freetds-jdbc - Pure Java JDBC driver for MS SQL and Sybase
gnujsp - A free implementation of Sun's Java Server Pages (JSP 1.0)
ibm-jdk1.1-installer - Installer for IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java(TM) Technology Edition
jserv - Java Servlet 2.0 engine with an optional Apache module
jswat - JPDA java debugger
junit - Automated testing framework for Java
libavalon-excalibur-java - Collection of reusable components for threading and datasource.
libavalon-excalibur-java-doc - Documentation for excalibur
libavalon-framework-java - Common framework for Java server applications
libavalon-framework-java-doc - Documentation for Avalon
libbsf-java - Bean Scripting Framework
libcommons-beanutils-java - utility for manipulating JavaBeans
libcommons-beanutils-java-doc - Documentation for libcommons-collections-java
libcommons-collections-java - A set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations
libcommons-collections-java-doc - Documentation for libcommons-collections-java
libcommons-digester-java - A set of abstract data type interfaces and implementations
libcommons-digester-java-doc - Documentation for libcommons-collections-java
libjunitperf-java - A collection of JUnit test extensions for performance.
libjunitperf-java-doc - Documentation for libjunitperf-java
libldap-java - Java interface for LDAP
libldap-java-doc - Java interface for LDAP - HTML Documentation and examples
liblog4j - Logging library for java.
liblogkit-java - Lightweight and fast designed logging toolkit for Java.
liblogkit-java-doc - Documentation for liblogkit-java
libnbio-java - NBIO: Nonblocking I/O for Java
libpgjava - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL
libservlet2.2-java - Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 Java classes and documentation
libservlet2.3-java - Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 Java classes and documentation
libsoap-java - SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in Java
libsoap-java-doc - Documentation for Apache SOAP for Java
tya - JIT-compiler for Java.
vnc-java - VNC java applet.
libtomcat4-java - Java Servlet engine -- core libraries
tomcat - Java Servlet 2.2 engine with JSP 1.1 support
tomcat4 - Java Servlet 2.3 engine with JSP 1.2 support
tomcat4-webapps - Java Servlet engine -- documentation and example web applications
I would guess that i need to:
$ apt-get install java-common
$ apt-get install libservlet2.3-java
$ apt-get install tomcat4
$ apt-get install tomcat4-webapps
$ apt-get install libtomcat4-java
$ apt-get install jdk1.1-dev
or $ apt-get install ibm-jdk1.1-installer
*I know that JDK1.4 is the 'new' version but that JDK1.1 is available for my
'stable' version so i will go with that for now. I'm not quiet ready to
run unstable, unless really necessary.
Also i am very comfortable with vim but probably will need some sort of IDE
with java (?)yes, no (?) any recommendations.
Thank you very much for all you help and guidance in this matter.
-c. mustard
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