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Re: Bug#196872: Argouml doesn't work

Maurizio Colucci <seguso.forever@tin.it> wrote:
> Package: argouml
> Version: 0.12-3_all.deb
> I  am currently  using gij-wrapper-3.3,  but also  3.2 gives  an error
> (different), and 3.1 tells there's an invalid argument.

Thanks for  your interest  in argouml package.   ArgoUML does  work ONLY
with a JVM compatible  with Java2.  I do not think it's  the case of gij
at the moment.

Package: argouml
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/misc
Installed-Size: 2032
Maintainer: Arnaud Vandyck <arnaud.vandyck@ulg.ac.be>
Architecture: all
Version: 0.12-3
Depends: java-virtual-machine | java2-runtime | j2re1.3 | j2re1.4, [...]

Maybe I'll have to remove the java-virtual-machine dependency?

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

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