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Re: mpkg-j2sdk and Sun's license

Hubert Schmid <h.schmid@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have  read the  license agreements of  the Java(TM) 2  SDK, Standard
> Edition 1.4.1_03 and Java(TM)  2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
> 1.4.1_03.  Most parts of  the agreements are about distribution. There
> is only one  problem. The first paragraph of  the supplemental license
> terms says:
>   [..] Sun grants you a [..]  license [..] to [..] use [..] the binary
>   form of the Software *complete* and *unmodified* [..].
> The  package doesn't  really modify  the package.  It only  moves some
> files   to   different   locations   (e.g.  moves   man   pages   into
> /usr/share/man/ and documentation into /usr/share/doc/). I think, that
> is no problem.
> But *complete* means,  that I can not create  several packages. A user
> is  only  allowed to  use  the  J2SDK (or  J2RE),  if  the package  is
> complete.

You are  right but both exist  and I do  not think that the  jde package
created from jsdk is different from the 'original' one. 

This point of  the license is also  why j2sdk from Sun will  never be in
Debian[1]. I think  it's in the java faq. And another  point is that the
license does not allow someone who use  one of the tools from the jdk to
use a replacement tool!.. I think I am outlaw ;-)

> The only possibility seems to create one package from the J2RE and one
> package from the  J2SDK and make them conflict  on each other (because
> the J2SDK also contains an J2RE).
> Any other suggestions? Or should I ignore the *complete* statement.

[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-java-faq/ch5.html#s-license-concerns

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

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