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Re: EnterpriseJavaBeans and Debian

Quoting Michael S Daines <ax2groin@arbornet.org>:

> I did download the files from Sun for the j2ee (j2sdkee-1_3_1-linux.tar.gz). 
> I looked around for some insight on the net and really didn't find any.  What
> would be the Debian way to get this in there?
To be honest: The only thing that you use from this tarball is the j2ee.jar, for
compiling your EJB sources. I don't recommend using Sun's reference
implementation of the application server at all, because it's simply unuseable...

> Also, what are my alternatives for the application server anyway?  For class,
> we are just going to use what comes with the j2ee, but I'd be curious what 
> else is available.
I'm using JBoss (http://www.jboss.org) excessively and am really happy with it,
it's a very advanced technique and implements each technology that makes Java so
strong, especially JMX. I didn't install it according to the "Debian way" but
simply extracted the compiled zip file into /usr/local/share and soft-linked the
the bin/run.sh into /usr/local/bin. Nothing else (except a JVM, of course, mine
is Blackdown 1.3), and it works perfectly!

To test your installation, I've attached a few files (a.jar/b.jar (two session
beans), client.war (to access the beans through the browser) and src.jar (the
whole source)). Simply copy the them (without the source, of course) into the
server/default/deploy folder of the extracted JBoss and access the web-app
through http://<yourhost>:<yourport>/client/ClientServlet. You should then see 
the communication output of the two session beans. (I found this example in the
web but I can't tell you anymore who posted it except that it was one of the
main developers of JBoss itself.) Btw.: The default port used by the embedded
Jetty is 8080.
Another test is to call http://<yourhost>:<yourport>/jmx-console which shows you
the list of all the deployed MBeans (managed beans) hosted by the JMX kernel.

Another nice application server is Orion (http://www.orionserver.com), but it's
not free for commercial purposes.

Good luck 

Florian Steinsiepe

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