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Re: GCJ and AWT

>>>>> "Antonio" == Antonio Fiol Bonnín <fiol.bonnin@terra.es> writes:

>> It isn't quite that easy to get the peers, unfortunately.  We're
>> planning to make the Classpath peers available in gcc 3.4 (it is too
>> late for 3.3, bleah).

Antonio> Is it possible to get them working, however? Any pointer to docs?

You can get them working, but don't expect much.  They aren't
complete, they have bugs, etc.  However, maybe you'd be interested in
working on them ... :-)

There are scripts and instructions here:


One of the scripts needs to be updated for recent changes to

Antonio> Also, I have read a line about SWT, from IBM. I admit my
Antonio> being lazy by posting this question here: Have you heard of
Antonio> it? Is it free? Does it work with GCJ?

Yes, I've heard of SWT.  It is free.  It does work with gcj, and in
fact there is an article somewhere on IBM developerWorks about how to
do it.

SWT seems pretty good.  It is cross platform and uses native widgets.
It does have some problems (for instance, it isn't 64 bit clean --
trust me when I say you don't want to look to deeply at the code), but
they will probably be worked out over time.

Antonio> Other than that, is there an estimated timeline for GCC
Antonio> versions?

There's some info on this on the gcc web page.  However it isn't very
reliable, for instance the 3.3 branch date was a month ago, and the
branch still hasn't been made.


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