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I am new to GCJ, but not to Java or Debian.

I have a fairly simple application I would like to compile using GCJ in order to get a native binary. I have succeeded to get my binary, but it does not work.

As of February 2002, I read on this list archives that AWT was not usable. However, it seems that since then things may have changed.

What I get is:
Exception in thread "main": java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit

being the fourth (and AFAICT important) line of the stack trace:
at ...: java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() ...

I compiled it with:

gcj-3.2 --main=MyMainClass -o MyMainClass *.java

If I try the jikes-compiled version of it, packaged in a jar, like:
gij-3.2 -jar myjar.jar

I get exactly the same error.

I have tried to install the classpath package, and to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/classpath before I try to run my app, but it does not seem to help at all.

If I ldd MyMainClass, I do not get any broken library reference.

I saw that there are some unavailable classes, such as GridBagLayout, but I rewrote the code to avoid this little hassle. So now it compiles OK, but it does not run.

BTW, before the stack dump, I get the two following lines:

Can anyone point me to the right direction?

I did not find much info on http://www.gnu.org/gcc/java

Thank you very much for any hint!

Antonio Fiol

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