Re: Packaging a library, with JNI and javadocs
Hi again.
I have a new (very similar to the last one) that should go into
the policy.
JNI, gcj and other architecture dependend versions of java:
JNI libraries consist of something that is architecture dependent and
possibly(?) architecture independent java classes. These should go into
a packages called libfoo-jni for the architecture dependent files.
Java classes and other architecture independent stuff can/should be split
into libfoo-java package if some/all of it can be used without the
architecture dependent files.
When gcj libraries is compiled from java source, these architecture dependent
library files should go into an architecture dependent package called libfoo-gcj.
Architecture independent java classes should/must be split into a corresponding
libfoo-java package.
Is this something that can go into policy (yes clarifications can be in
place so please comment it)?
I assume that it is more to say about jni and gcj but this is at least
a start. :)
// Ola
On Thu, Sep 12, 2002 at 06:14:45PM +0200, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
> > FWIW, I support this also. But to go into more detail:
> I'd like to extend this some.
> > > - arch-dependant JNI libraries go into libocf-pcsc and similar,
> > > recommending (or depending on - I'll accept suggestions)
> > > libocf-pcsc-java (or similar).
> >
> > In this case however I might argue for something clear in the arch-dependant
> > package name that it's a JNI library, eg., libocf-pcsc-jni instead of just
> > libocf-pcsc.
> I second this.
> I also suggest that gcj files go to a package named -gjc. But I also think
> that the policy should say 'should' and explain that it in some situations
> (if the packages are small and have few dependencies) it might be better
> to have just one package.
> > The main reason being that (I presume) the C library provides java-specific
> > functions and so there seems little reason to use it outside the context of
> > JNI.
> >
> > So I guess my stance is then to either:
> > - - use a single package named libfoo-java with both the java classes and the C
> > library, or:
> > - - use two packages, these being libfoo-java containing the java classes and
> > libfoo-jni containing the C library.
> And I say that the default thing should be the second one (with addition for
> -gcj) unless the package is very small and have very little extra in its
> dependencies. Is there something called dependency file size?
> > I don't see any particular need to favour only one of these options as policy;
> > I can see circumstances where each option (splitting vs not splitting) has
> > its benefits.
> Agreed. It should be mentioned in the policy.
> Regards,
> // Ola
> > Ben.
> >
> > - --
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