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Re: Tomcat 4.0.3 and libapache-mod-webapp?


i'll take the tomcat conntector suite and build it on my own. perhaps i
build a package... 


* Stefan Gybas <gybas@trustsec.de> [2002-04-25 16:36]:
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 10:27:09AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> > Does that mean that Jakarta's mod_webapp will not be packaged, or will need
> > to use a different name?
> I will package it later, I'm planning to build both mod_webapp and
> mod_jk from the same source archive (tomcat-connectors). But this will
> require modification in the tomcat4 build process so I have not done
> this yet.  The package will have to use a different name, maybe
> libapache-mod-warp, and conflict with libapache-mod-webapp.
> -- 
> Stefan Gybas
> -- 
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