Re: Packaging the Jetty WWW server?
On donderdag 25 april 2002 16:44, Greg Wilkins wrote:
> Are there any Debian java developers interested in helping me package
> the Jetty WWW Server and Servlet container?
> Jetty is 100% java and has it's own HTTP/1.1 www server, so it does
> not need apache etc. While I know the basics of making a deb are
> simple - I don't know what layout to use to avoid clashing with
> apache and tomcat installations.
> I'm the prime developer of Jetty, so I'm happy to change it as required
> to make life easy.
> Jetty is also now the default server in JBoss and I really think there
> needs to be a JBoss deb package. I know the JBoss guys have resisted
> changing their structure for debian, but once I know the ropes - we may
> be able to gently move it in the right direction.
I've been using Jetty with much content about a one/two years ago...
and am rather interested in tested your packages... I have apache installed as
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