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Re: java.home

On Sun, Apr 21, 2002 at 12:10:44PM +0100, Geoff Beaumont wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how java.home is determined in Java? On my system
> (Debian Woody, Blackdown JDK1.3) it ends up as /usr/lib/j2se1.3 whatever
> I try to prevent it. Obviously, this breaks anything which is expecting
> to be run within a JDK (principally JEdit, right now), as it can't find
> a compiler, etc.

 I also have problem of this kind (ant cannot find javac compiler).

     export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.3

 Maybe this will help you too.

> -- 
> Geoff Beaumont
> Geoff@stormhammer.com

Kamil Podlesak (podlesh) <kpodles@kae.zcu.cz>

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