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On 9 Nov 2001, Kevin A. Burton wrote:

> And what if foo requires libbar-1.1.3 which is incompatible with the fictional
> libbar-1.1.0 that jboss requires?
> How do you install both on the same system...  Do you compute the CLASSPATH in a
> different manner for each application?

You treat it just like any other applicaction, when the libraries it uses are
changed.  You fix the application.

Additionally, if libbar-1.1.3 breaks apps that that use libbar-1.1.0, then
libbar-1.1.3 is broken.  Please read the docs sun has on the subject(they are
very concerned about never breaking backwards compatibility).

> > There is no integration whatsoever with anything not java.  If you have a
> > project, that has non-java elements, you are left all by yourself, when
> > integrating them.
> >
> > Additionally, ears are prime example of java packaging gone wrong.
> Are you saying that .WAR files are also incorrect?
> Just because it isn't the UNIX approach doesn't make it incorrect.
> I have an Open Mind (TM) on the subject so I am listening...  Explain why the
> Servlet WAR spec is incorrect and how it could be done better.  (Specifically
> WRT the WEB-INF/lib approach).

You can't just take a .WAR, extract it, and make it into a deb.  That's not
what debian is about.  And, unfortunately, lots of java packages do just
that(the idea, if not the exact set of steps).

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