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Re: [Debian Woody 3.0r2] Direct japanese text/mozilla printing will fail

Guillaume Estival wrote:

BTW, I still have some problem with printing (except for openoffice.org,
which works pretty well)
1. japanese text file direct printing (through lpr) don't work (looks
like an us-ascii file on the paper).
2. Japanese email (through mutt or sylpheed) don't work (same)
3. Mozilla printing, too.
I can just help you for the second one. Maybe you should add
deb http://http.debian.or.jp/debian-jp unstable-jp main contrib non-free
deb http://im-ja.sourceforge.net/ ./
to your source.list
I use canna to input japanese within terminals, and used kon2 to input under the console. Therefor, you should be able to do it with mutt, as long as you can input some japanese in your text editor (jvim, vim+kanna, or emacs+mule do it pretty well). For sylpheed, if it is a GTK2 software (i don't use this one, i don't know), the im-ja might be what you need. I use it even more than kanna, and it works great with any GTK app, such as gaim, mozilla and thunderbird. Moreover, it is not too hard to configure since you have a pop up menu with F11 when you selected japanese input (wich means you might have to launch your prog with a tiny script like XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" LC_ALL=ja_JP GTK_IM_MODULE=im-ja "$@"

Here, I hope that will help you.


By the way, try to have one user on your system in utf8 to print, at least to do the tests. There may be more software that support UTF8 than ja_JP...

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