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Re: domandine da una neofita

alessandra zarcone wrote:
- alsaconf rileva la scheda, installa i driver e dice:
"Now ALSA is ready to use.
 For adjustment of volumes, use your favorite mixer."
Ma il mixer dice che "Non è sato trovato nessun elemento e/o device di controllo volume."

Ok, ho avuto lo stesso problema con il mio Aspire (Codec 'AC97) e sono riuscito a risolverlo installando i sorgenti di alsamix e compilandoli a mano (a quanto pare è un problema del pacchetto debian, che riconosce "naturalmente" solo le schede audio prodotte di fabbrica originale: i chip dei portatili sono sempre simili ma mai identici). un procedimento corretto, se non ricordo male è quello descritto in http://www.mumble.to/acer/ (anche se non si riferisce ad un Debian)

o molto meglio questo:

Sound (top)

I've found some useful information here.

I installed the alsa-source package. You'll also need the kernel-package package and the kernel source in order to complete this task.

    # apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.8 kernel-package alsa-source

Under /usr/src untar sources as shown below:

    # cd /usr/src
    # tar jxvf kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2
    # tar jxvf alsa-driver.tar.bz2

Be sure that your /usr/src/linux symlink points to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8 directory.

    ln -s -f kernel-source-2.6.8/ linux

If you have compiled your kernel before, just copy the configuration file in the linux source directory:

    # cd /usr/src/linux
    # cp /boot/config-2.6.8 .config

and go into kernel configuration:

    # make menuconfig

Now you're ready to build your Debian kernel packages:

    # make-kpkg clean
    # make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image modules_image

You'll find your new packages under /usr/src. Install them with:

    # cd /usr/src
    # dpkg -i kernel-image-2.6.8_10.00.Custom_i386.deb
    # dpkg -i alsa-modules-2.6.8_1.0.7-2+10.00.Custom_i386.deb

Reboot your new kernel. At the moment the sound system seems to work fine.
(da http://www.fabiopani.it/docs/debianonacer.php#sound)

O moooolto meglio (mi pare che qui ci fosse un errore e seguendo il link alla pag. francese ho risolto):

Correction du problème de son
Les noyaux officiels (au moins jusqu'au 2.6.8) de debian génère le message suivant lors du boot : ATI IXP AC97 controler: probe of 0000:00:14.5[B] failed with error -13 L'astuce est de compiler les modules alsa non pas avec le code du noyau, mais directement à partir des sources du projet alsa. Pour faire au plus propre, nous allons générer les packages debian à partir des sources dispo sur les référenciels debian :

# apt-get install kernel-source-2.6 kernel-package alsa-source

$ mkdir $HOME/src ; cd !$
$ tar xvjf /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8.tar.bz2
$ tar xvjf /usr/src/alsa-driver.tar.bz2
$ cd src/kernel-source-2.6.8
$ export MODULE_LOC=$HOME/src/modules
$ cp /boot/config-2.6.8 .config
$ make xconfig
$ make-kpkg clean
$ fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=custom.1.2 kernel_image
$ fakeroot make-kpkg --revision custom.1.2 modules_image

# dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.26_custom.1.0_i386.deb
# dpkg -i alsa-modules-2.4.26_1.0.3-1+custom.1.0_i386.deb

Attention : $ = utilisateur standard, # = super utilisateur.
Lors du make xconfig, bien configurer le support du son, mais en désactivant alsa et oss

da http://nicolas.degory.free.fr/nucleus/index.php?itemid=8

(quest'ultimo a me era andato subito e mi aveva risolto il problema come il tuo)

facce sappe'

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