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Re: Lista e rimozione dei pacchetti di un repository

sabato 25 giugno 2005, alle 14:34, Christian Barbato scrive:

> Amen. Speravo si potesse con apt.

Questo script, perl, che non ricordo bene dove ho trovato, dovrebbe fare al
caso tuo. Si lancia senza argomenti.

Gabriele :-)

http://poisson.phc.unipi.it/~stilli/               ICQ UIN: 159169930
[HT] Lothlorien F.C. (51042, V.202)               #156 Club dei Mille
Meglio essere ottimisti e avere torto, che pessimisti e avere ragione
[Albert Einstein]
# Author: Marcel Meckel
# Contact: debian [at] thermoman [dot] de

 sub usage {
    print 'Usage: apt-listrepository

Lists all installed packages and the corresponding
repository it was installed from.

  --help          - this usage message


 unless ($#ARGV ne 0) {
    exit 1;

 # all installed packages
 open(DATA, 'dpkg --get-selections|') or die "Can not execute dpkg\n";
 @tmp = <DATA>;
 close DATA;

 $tmp2 = join("\n", @tmp)."\n";

 $packages_nl = $tmp2;
 $packages_nl =~ s/([^\s]+)\s+([^\n]+)/\1/g;
 $packages    = $packages_nl;
 $packages    =~ s/\n/ /g;
 # get policy of all installed packages
 open(DATA, "apt-cache policy $packages|") or die "Can not execute apt-cache\n";
 @tmp = <DATA>;
 close DATA;
 $tmp2 = join("\n", @tmp)."\n";

 $tmp2 =~ s/^  (Candidate|Installed|Version Table):.*\n//mg;
 $tmp2 =~ s/([^:\s\n]+):\n[^\*]+\*\*\* ([^\s\n]+)[^\n]+\n\s+-?[0-9]+ ([^\n]+)\n(\s+[^\n]+\n)*/\1|\2|\3\n/g;

 # all packages with version nr. and repository per line
 @packages = split(/\n/, $tmp2);

 foreach my $line (@packages) {
    my ($name, $version, $repository) = split (/\|/, $line);
    $repository =~ s/ Packages$//;
    printf("%-35s %s\n", $name, $repository)

exit 0;

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