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Re: mutt e imap

lunedì 25 ottobre 2004, alle 10:15, Marco Buffa ha scritto:

> Nel mio mutt_rc c'e' l'elenco delle cartelle IMAP, con la sintassi:
> imap://localhost/marco/INBOX.nomecartella

Direttamente da: http://mutt.sourceforge.net/imap/

1.3.1. Polling for new mail
This works the same as normal mail, with a couple of
caveats. You add mailboxes you'd like to check for mail
using the mailboxes command. If you've set your folder as
above, you can do

    mailboxes =lists/mutt-dev =lists/mutt-users 

to poll for mail in imap://hostname/lists/mutt-dev and

Fammi sapere 

War is NOT the answer, war is the question.
The answer is "NO!"

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