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AppleTalk client per Linux?

Ho appena installato l'Apple Talk e riesco gia` ad accedere, da client
Macintosh, alla mia home directory. Insomma, da server funge... ma da
client? Ho trovato solo questo in /usr/doc/netatalk/FAQ.gz :

Q25: Can mount a Mac volume on my unix machine?

A:  Well, maybe. OS X obviously might be able to do this with NFS.
    Also, there is a program called afpfs which was designed to do this,
    but is not actively maintained and has been reportedly highly
    It should be available from: http://www.panix.com/~dfoster/afpfs/

Non ho speranze, dunque? Mi accontenterei anche di meno che un filesystem 
di rete: mi basterebbe l'equivalente di un smbclient, se ci fosse...
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