Re: Linux Day a Milano
Scavenging the mail folder uncovered agx's letter:
> Hi, i'm spamming on those list under suggestion of "Davide G. M.
> Salvetti" :-)
> It wasn't nice to see no Debian member at the last Linux Day
> in Milan (31 march 2000). I'm just writing to invite someone
> to be part of the next LIME2000 (Linux Meeting) that will
> be in Rome.
> It isn't good, IMVHO, that there is no Debian speaker
> at those italian Linux Events.
> The url of the event is
hi agx, i'll be in rome. actually i will go to any italian meeting
as long i *know* there is one. the linux day in milano has no
publicity at all...
Federico Di Gregorio
MIXAD LIVE System Programmer
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact
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