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Re: Non-debian tools for fetching DEB packages?

Craig Sanders wrote:
are you sure that debootstrap doesn't install apt?
No, I'm not sure. All I know is that typing "apt" returns "-bash: apt: command not found", "dpkg --status apt" returns "Package 'apt' is not installed and no info is available", and "find / -name apt -type f" returns nothing.
that's a bit
surprising, since it's such a core component of debian (and has been for
several years)
Yeah. Well, the debtakeover script is fairly old, too (something like 2003 or 2004). When I first downloaded it, the dist that the script was initially configured to bootstrap was woody. I tired to tell it to use etch, but that flailed for some reason... so I told it to try sarge, and it worked.
....you can (in theory) run debian without apt, but nobody
does. and all of the scripts in /usr/lib/debootstrap mention apt as a
base or required package.
Yeah... I just noticed that. I think the problem might be that debtakeover uses the "required" profile and not the "base" profile (where apt is listed).
anyway, if it doesn't install it, you can download apt (with ftp
or whatever) and all dependancies...
dependancies for apt are:
dependancies for debian-archive keyring are:
and dependancies for ...
That's kinda what I was trying to avoid. Back when RedHat only had rpm, I used to curse up a storm whenever I'd have to go update somebody's RedHat box and I'd be alternating between lynx and rpm as I'd fetch another package and then find out that *it* depended on other packages. So, I'm really loathe to go down that road again.

It's okay, though. I've almost written a little script that goes through the Packages file for a release and finds all of the depends.

- Joe

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