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--On July 27, 2006 3:00:23 PM +0200 Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar@fantomas.sk> wrote:

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 07:38:14PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> aside from DULs making it difficult to send mail directly with any
> reliability, it is actually impossible to reliably receive mail via
> smtp

On 27.07.06 22:10, CaT wrote:
I think you're confusing dynamic IPs with your desire to deny people
behind them the ability to send mail out of servers running behind them.
There is nothing about a dynamic IP that makes outgoing mail unreliable,
the peculiar attitude of some people aside.

There is ont thing that makes spam detection of mail coming from dynamic
IP address less reliable. Static address can be listed in any BL list, and
independantly on use of that list (for scoring or filtering), this can not
be done with dynamic IP addresses.

The other issue is that the vast majority of dynamic space is full of Mom and Dad and Grandma who are NOT competent and who have no clue when they get infected with a virust/trojan/worm spewing out Junk mail. They might complain their comptuer is slow and blame it on the internet being slow, when the reality is they're just infected. The reality is it's a form of 'internet stereotyping.' You come from a seedy neighborhood, appear to be dressed kinda seedy, I'm not going to let you into my $300/night/hotel sort of thing unless you can prove otherwise. IT's getting almost impossibly expensive to handle all the junk out there, so more and more ISPs are filtering 'at the front door' based on lists similar to SORBS and SpamCop. 'But you can just use it as part of SpamAssassin' that's *VERY* expensive. When your'e talking abotu doubling the size of an already large and expensive mail cluster in order to do something like that or you can just pretty reliably identify a BIG chunk of junk email by using certain lists.

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