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Re: Panel for the administration of a mail server

We (Manuel Castillo mostly) created a list with some basic info about all the free software control panels we know about at:


Right now it is a blind link as somebody removed the link from the front page as part of a general tightening and tidying.

Eventually we plan to create a wiki page for debian hosting with links to this list, http://debian-administration.org/ and our control panel page.

Feel free to improve the wiki page, this is probably an easier way to contribute than submitting kernel patches. :->

Andreas John wrote:

personally I am involved in the ISPMan project. ISPMan provides a
distributed environment for web hosting, i.e. manages you httpd.conf,
bind, cyrus and postfix stuff etc. It authenticates on a LDAP DB (e.g.
openldap or SUN LDAP) and closely integrates with libnss and libpam.
The management can be done via Web Interface or what we call the CLI
tools. There is also a "userpanel" and a "resellerpanel".

We do have "alpha-grade" support postgres via pam and there is a beta
patch around for mysql; user-adjustable spamassassign is planned,
currently the user could do some filtering-magic via "sieve" mailfilter
language, which is implemented in cyrus (the are web-based sieve
management tools out, e.g. squirrelmail plugin).

debian package: we habe a /debian directory in the sourcetree, but it's
only a proof of concept at the time.

on ispman.net or wiki.ispman.net you'll find some infos, the #ispman in
freenode is always there for you, too.


Alvaro Marín wrote:


I'm looking for a Web Panel for the administration of a mail server with
MailScanner, Postfix and MySQL.
Each program has it's panel:

MailScanner -> MailWatch
Postfix -> PostfixAdmin

but I want to integrate it into one central panel.
I'm searching for something that doesn't exists? :)


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