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Re: saslauthd stops working


Michael Moritz a écrit :
we have recently changed to using saslauthd for authentication on sending with postfix. Now, for some reason this stops working after a while (~5 days) and we have to restart the service. Now, I dont have very much more information, I cant see any way to generate logging output fom it. Just wondered if anyone had had this problem before.

I've been using postfix + saslauthd on a test machine with only
one account (me). I first ran woody with sarge packages (postfix
et al.) and then full sarge for several weeks and did not notice any problem.

Unfortunately, I don't have yet any production experience. More on
this (~ 200 users) in some monthes :-\

Shure this doesn't help much, but feel free to exchange about

Emmanuel Halbwachs              Labo. de Photonique et Nanostructures
tel      : (+33)1 69 63 61 34                             CNRS UPR 20
fax      : (+33)1 69 63 60 06       Route de Nozay F 91460 Marcoussis

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