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Re: chroot with virtual IP-Address

Hello Martin,

Am 2005-04-01 13:55:35, schrieb martin f krafft:

> As they all use the same IP stack, no way. You will need UML, xen,
> qemu for this to work.

Read it already...

> That said, you can still start e.g. SSH servers in each chroot and
> bind them to specific sockets, but the master machine will need to
> have all the IPs added (ip addr add dev eth0) to its
> interface, and users in chroots can bind to the IPs of other
> chroots. I would assume that a MAC system (e.g. RSBAC, SELinux) can
> be used to prevent this.

I have already assingned 12 virtual IPs to the eth0 but the thing
with the sshd was new for me.

Because I have no other $USER, there is no big security problem.


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