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Re: Debian in a production environment

On Tue, 2005-02-08 10:21:12 +0100, Maximilian Wilhelm <max@rfc2324.org>
wrote in message <[🔎] 20050208092112.GC545@rfc3514.org>:
> Am Dienstag, den  8. Februar hub Dirk Ruediger folgendes in die Tasten:

> But there is one thing my colleagues didn't get running on a Debian
> machine: Tivoli Storage Manager.
> It is possible to run it using disk storage space, but - as they
> said - it's not possible to let it use it's own kernel modules to access
> tape libraries etc.
> I guess that the Debian kernel "lacks" to many "patches" to make the
> modules work...

Well, I guess with the help of RFC 1925, 2.6a, there's for sure a way to
make this work:)

> So now this server is running as RH EL :-(
> If I get the time, I will test this myself to figure out what exactly is
> the problem. (If anyone around has done this before, please let me know.)

The nice thing is that it's all ELF binaries, so there are capable tools
around for debugging symbol problems, different structure layout and the

I think the easiest way to make it work would be to add a glue module in
between the Tivoli module(s) and the kernel. Sure, that's some work, but
it cannot be all that hard, given that sources for the RH kernels are
available (and thus, you can figure out the correct struct layout and
locking mechanisms).


Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw@lug-owl.de    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
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